I have been eating "Chinese food" my entire life, but of course this is the American-styled cuisine, which in many ways is blasphemous to authentic Chinese food. Cream cheesed wontons for examples is a food which has been overly Americanized. The simple truth is, Chinese food very rarely, if ever, contains cheese, as cheese is not a popular food in China, so a wonton filled with cream cheese is nothing more than a Chinese inspired American dish.
I must admit, I do like some American Chinese food, but since my goal is to really learn all about China, I have begun a quest to not only try, but make authentic Chinese food as well!
My first authentic Chinese dish that i have made is the very popular, Chinese dumplings/ potstickers. I used an all meat recipe, but next time I will use cabbage as well.
Here are my dumplings:
First I marinated the pork with soy sauce, green onion, garlic, rice vinegar, and sesame seed oil
Next I wet the out side of the pre-made dumpling skins, and then filled them with the meat mixture.
Then I pinched the outside of the skin together, to create the dumpling form.
This is what they look liked afterwards:
Next, I boiled them for a few minutes:
Finally they were done, and I served them with a dipping sauce I made up on my own!
wow!!!! Good job babe!
I really need to find somewhere local to buy the ready made skins. Making them yourself is good fun, but it's not a fast process.
Couple of photos here: Flickr
I love dumplings and the best thing is, if you make too many, you can fry them for breakfast.
That was amazing since I never had any real Chinese dumpling in the US, but you, an American girl, can do it. I hope I can meet you.
Can I get a dozen to go?
I love dumplings and those look deelish!
You made perfect dumplings. They make my mouth water. I respect you!!!
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